A pilot installation demonstrates that Wolftank Austria solutions can be applied in the blue economy, showing that they can facilitate prevention, restoration and care in marine environments as well. Sustainable products such as SST leak detector or absorbents are being implemented in a pilot project in Benalmadena’s port, Spain.
The blue economy and the increasing environmental awareness
The blue economy is highly developing all around the world. But what do we mean by blue economy? The World Bank defines it as the “sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of ocean ecosystem”.
Healthy oceans provide jobs and food, sustain economic growth, regulate the climate, and support the well-being of coastal communities. Keeping healthy oceans, costs and freshwater ecosystems is crucial for economic growth and food production. In addition, it is also essential to mitigate climate change.
Blue economy projects, in summary, seek to restore the productivity of the oceans, while ensuring future growth, food security and jobs for coastal communities.
Maritime project in Spain
Wolftank Austria’s solutions are now starting to protect marine environments as well, by developing blue economy projects. A recent partnership between the Wolftank Spanish team (Altereco) and the Andalusian Maritime-Marine Cluster will bring contamination prevention to ports in the Spanish region of Andalusia. Several products from the Wolftank Austria portfolio will provide protection as well as to promote sustainability in this area.
Despite the agreement starts focusing on the absorbents line and the SST leak detector, more Wolftank Austria’s tools may be applied. The first phase will consist of a pilot project in Benalmadena (Malaga). It will prevent possible contamination in the port. In this type of environment, there are several pollution risks factors, such as bilge cleaning, for example. Wolftank’s SST leak detector will constantly monitor the area, detecting and issuing an immediate alarm in the event of pollution.

This new step clearly shows that Wolftank Austria portfolio is not only useful for one market but can provide high-quality solutions to many different areas. Providing solutions to blue economy is a global necessity and Wolftank is 100% ready for it!

For more information about Wolftank Austria SST contamination monitoring and detection system, please click here.
For more information about Wolftank Austria absorbents line, please click here.